Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Boarder

I am sure that we all  remember learning about the U.S/Mexican boarder in highschool. It all began whe the U.S took over and claimed the Mexican land.Well this past week I got the opportunity to see the boarder fence and the Rio Grande. I must admit that it is the most ridiculous fence that I have ever seen. My 10 year old niece could build a better fence. It makes total sense to why we have so many illegal aliens in our country. On the other hand, I was able to go to mexico also. We easily drove in to Mexico but had to show our passports coming back in to the United States. I know that the drug wars are going on but for some reason I was completely calm. My mom was a nervous wreck and of course my dad wanted to go no matter what. We of course had to be festive, so for lunch I ordered chicken and my dad ordered steak. Now remeber, the meat is completely different than what we are customed to. I had one bite and that was all. My dad ejoyed his steak and of couse my mom was a little dramatic and couldn't believe we were eating. She became so disgusted and chose to shop instead. Haha, can we say DRAMA QUEEN. It was a great experience and although I have been before, this side opened my eyes to true poverty. I know that they are living in complete poverty, but I still feel that the U.S should take more control over who are entering our country. I feel this because they are taking away jobs. I do not want to sound hateful because I understand they are fighting for the "American Opportunity", but I feel that they should gain their U.S citizenship the right way. Also, I learned how to surf! It was soo much fun and props to surfers because it is a lot harder than it looks! I. MEAN. A. LOT. I surfed all day long and let me tell you, I could barely feel my arms the next day. Surfng is something I've always wanted to learn. I hope to continue this hobby from now on. It is great fun and excercise and everyone should try it!
Knarly dude.

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