Monday, March 7, 2011

...a lesson on love that I felt compelled to share with you all :) basically..the thought of a relationship should be much simpler than it is. Guys think with their penises and girls think with, well, generally their head. In reality, we should all be thinking with our HEART. Guys generally date off good looks and girls date off of personalities..when people ask us about a guy we generally say "He's just soo funny" haha. What we should look for in a guy is if he's a Godly guy. Remember, right now is as good as we will ever look..boobs begin to sag, buts begin to droop and in 20 years, looks won't even matter. People often get confused between a Christian and someone who lives a Godly life. Travis ( the actor) kept reitterating that do not just date someone who is a 'Christian"..look beyond that. Girls should look for a guy who treats his mother with respect. Guys should look for girls who treat their Fathers with respect. If you treat your mom/dad badly, then eventually that is how your spouse will treat you. Look for a leader, not the the kind of leader who everyone follows because he's fun and likes to have a good time..look for the leader who leads his life through Christ. Look for someone who DOES NOT care what ANYONE thinks about him because he knows that it doesn't matter and in God's eyes he is nothing but perfect. On the topic of sex and intercourse and whatever else..God didn't entend for those things to be saved for marriage because he wanted to take away the 'fun'..he intended them for marriage to keep us safe. He wants to protect us and along with hooking up/sex/ etc. it just brings up problems and insecurtities in the relationship. You sometimes begin to put your focus on different areas that keep the relationship from growing. Their is a boundary to where you should one knows the real boundary whether it be holding hands, kissing or what..but I think it's safe to see that with a natural intutiotion you can make your own boundary to what you feel is right. God doesn't want us handing out pieces of ourself to just whoever..he wants us to save it for that special person as their 'gift' from us to them. On the contrary, if your starting to date someone and they fit the Godly lifestyle that you want to see in a man/women then who cares if they have had sex with 5 people or 20..because they have been washed clean. We should not hold judgement, because if we do then we aren't living the way we are suppose to. God intended sex and LOTS OF IT...that's why he made a woman to be a mans companion and especially to fortake on the most pleasurable thing you can do, SEX. For a relationship..always watch someone's how they treat their how the interact with others..and most importantly watch how they speak about others. To avoid all the sexual tension between you and the person your dating..try group dates and always surround yourself with takes the pressure off. Don't go searching for someone..because he is out there..and you will find him. If you start doubting a relationship and marriage, then you are doubting God. Remember also, your not generally going to find Mr. perfect out town hopping..or at the bar (can happen but not generally). God wants us to have someone and doesn't ever want us to be alone. Guys should look at their girlfriend as a child of his..we should look at each others hearts. Love each other as a child of God..always be honest and open..let them know your heal each other..walk side by side along with God. Forgive and move on..TRUST TRUST TRUST..don't be scared to put your heart out there..relationships should be easy not complicated ( we as humans are what make them so complicated )with texting, facebook and all those other things. And my favorite..with all our insecurtities if you try and wait to give yourself to who you love..then your insecurties won't matter because you will know that no matter what, he always loves you. He'll think every inch of fat, stretch mark or sagginess is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen..because he knows your heart and he knows who made your body :)..also we have to be patient and believe and remeber *Love can wait to give but lust can't wait to get*.. I know there is a LOT more to this talk and it little things will come to me that of course I will share..this is what came to my mind and I hope you enjoy it!