Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Boarder

I am sure that we all  remember learning about the U.S/Mexican boarder in highschool. It all began whe the U.S took over and claimed the Mexican land.Well this past week I got the opportunity to see the boarder fence and the Rio Grande. I must admit that it is the most ridiculous fence that I have ever seen. My 10 year old niece could build a better fence. It makes total sense to why we have so many illegal aliens in our country. On the other hand, I was able to go to mexico also. We easily drove in to Mexico but had to show our passports coming back in to the United States. I know that the drug wars are going on but for some reason I was completely calm. My mom was a nervous wreck and of course my dad wanted to go no matter what. We of course had to be festive, so for lunch I ordered chicken and my dad ordered steak. Now remeber, the meat is completely different than what we are customed to. I had one bite and that was all. My dad ejoyed his steak and of couse my mom was a little dramatic and couldn't believe we were eating. She became so disgusted and chose to shop instead. Haha, can we say DRAMA QUEEN. It was a great experience and although I have been before, this side opened my eyes to true poverty. I know that they are living in complete poverty, but I still feel that the U.S should take more control over who are entering our country. I feel this because they are taking away jobs. I do not want to sound hateful because I understand they are fighting for the "American Opportunity", but I feel that they should gain their U.S citizenship the right way. Also, I learned how to surf! It was soo much fun and props to surfers because it is a lot harder than it looks! I. MEAN. A. LOT. I surfed all day long and let me tell you, I could barely feel my arms the next day. Surfng is something I've always wanted to learn. I hope to continue this hobby from now on. It is great fun and excercise and everyone should try it!
Knarly dude.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Superficial. Weight-Obsessed. World.

Ok, so I'm back from my hiatus of my blogging. I have not really blogged much lately because I did not want this to become an everyday acurance. I feel that if I blog every single day then people will lose interest because I will gradually begin to talk about uninteresting topics. But, I've realized something. Even if I want to talk about the color of the sky, or what I ate for dinner I will be sure to make in interesting in some way. But to get on with my topic today, I feel like I had somewhat of an realization of woman beauty today. Many girls struggle with weight issues. It just honestly something we cannot help. No matter how often girls say, "I don't care what weight I am", somewhere in the back of your mind you naturally think about it. You look in the mirror everyday while getting ready and wish you could change something about yourself. Why is it that a size four is often criticized as being fat? THAT MAKES NO SENSE. Size 4,6,8,10,12,14,16 and 18's are beautiful. When I say that I mean it in all honesty, beautiful. In some countries a size 16 is sexier than a size 4 so why is it that in the United States smaller seems to be better? It's esentually the result of a media-driven society. It is almost as if your weight defines who you are as a person in both physical and social aspects. This is NOT FAIR. Girls are so extremely unhappy with themselves. I know this may seem like a silly topic but it's not. Girls are dying over this, they are literally so obsessed with weight ( extra skin and fat ) that they result to different diseases such as anorexia-------->DEATH. I'm sure you all remember when the tabloids ripped Jessica Simpson apart for her "fat" jeans. Well those "so called" fat jeans were a whopping {fat-sized} 4. This honestly discust's me. Ladies, it's ok to eat a cheeseburger,fries and heck even have a diet free drink (every now and then). Flaunt your curves because trust me, some people would kill for them. Each and every person has their own flaws and wondefull features that were made for them. You were created to be the natural size you are. Today, just for the sake of it I asked a dear (guy) friend of mine about this weight issue and he said, "Isn't size four really small?..Im not a fan of the boney look at all, I mean every now and then I like to hug a girl and feel like im hugging a saggy bag filled with dull knives, it really gets me going". Now, obviously he's completely joking, but this goes to show you the real truth of the situation. If anything, I guess my point is that I want you to find your happiness within not from outward appearance. Embrace your curves, your muffin top and those thunder thighs. I love you all, thank you for reading and ladies, LETS BRING SEXY BACK!
P.S. Remember everything in moderation to keep your lovely in sides healthy!